More Than Just "Click Next": Creating Innovative & Interactive eLearning
Additional Resources
During my presentation I referenced a number of resources that you can use to make your eLearning more engaging for your audience. To make your life easier, I've collected them all here.
The Actual Slide Deck
Click here to download a copy of the slide deck I used for this presentation. The deck also includes my full speakers notes:
- Looking for more advice on how to start out a project the right way? Check out this article: How To Kick Off A Project and Avoid an Infodump
- Gamestorming is a great book to have on hand any time you're doing brainstorming or consulting work. It's got a ton of activities, like the empathy map activity I mentioned in my presentation, for getting people to think differently or more in-depth about things. Here are links to it in the US, Canada, and UK Amazon stores.
- Want to just see an empathy map right now? Here you go!
- As a general resource, I find that Articulate's Rapid eLearning Blog is an inspiring read, whether you develop with one of Articulate's tools or something else entirely
- Articulate also has a great collection of free eBooks on creating better eLearning. What's especially helpful is that most of these resources aren't platform-specific. That means you'll find them useful even if you don't use Articulate's products.
- Need to know more about cognitive overload? Check out this great article: Brain Bandwidth - Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design
- An amusing read: How Not To Succeed At eLearning
- Want to know about basic graphic design? Check out my presentation on design basics for non-designers here
- Using branched simulations is a great way to allow people to "learn by doing". If you'd like to find out more about how to create a great branched simulation (particularly on a budget) check out the presentation deck and resources page from a talk I recently did on the topic
- Want to see what using advertising techniques to promote learning looks like? Check out this presentation by Craig Taylor on turning compliance training into a campaign-style event instead.
- Related note: I'm currently curating a Pinterest board of cheap/free design assets.
- Like the social media icons I used at the end of my presentation? They're available for free here.
- Want to know more about what exactly Creative Commons licensing is? Here's an explanation in comic form.